Leading initiatives since 2013
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Incorporating ESG from the Beginning
Since our inception, we have been providing the industry with an environmentally sustainable alternative to the use of potable water for hydraulic fracturing operations.
XRI is focused on advancing all facets of ESG compliance within our company as well as with our clients, contractors and vendors.

Our charge is straightforward and steadfast: Protect fresh water. Our goal since 2013 has been to move the O&G industry off of fresh water, saving it for use by communities and agriculture industries. Reusing water saves the public water supply so that when your tap is turned on, the water comes out. In addition, recycling produced water equals long-term sustainability. That’s why we constructed over 415 miles of buried water pipeline infrastructure, which provides sustainable and safety benefits to the local community by
- Allowing us to reuse, recycle and deploy more equipment and technology to satisfy the growth in the Permian Basin.
- Preventing CO₂ emissions, which equates to ~2,875,000 truckloads avoided per year.
Social concerns are a big part of our ESG initiatives. Working to engage with the community – giving back and volunteering – as well as participating in economic development, is part of who we are. Our employees are the biggest part of what we do; we couldn’t be more proud of their accomplishments, hard work, determination, and making health and safety their first priority. This means we give back to them as well with professional development programs as well as proactive and comprehensive training. Their backgrounds and diversity make us proud of our inclusion and equity guidelines and initiatives.
Corporate governance covers the area of investigation into the rights and responsibilities of the management of a company. At XRI, this means we are committed to a corporate culture and code of conduct ensuring the highest level of business ethics, including anti-bribery and corruption standards, stakeholder rights and social just practices, as well as governance of sustainability initiatives.
Advancing ESG Initiatives
Proactive member of industry, governmental and regulatory associations:
- DOE/EPA – Produced Water Task Force
- Texas Oil & Gas Association (TXOGA)
- New Mexico Oil & Gas Association (NMOGA)
- Texas Produced Water Consortium
- Texas Alliance of Energy Producers
- Energy ESG Council
- New Mexico Produced Water Research Consortium